Sunday, November 25, 2012

A Safe Bleach Alternative, Naturally

When cleaning a client’s house, I was really wishing I could just use bleach because the job just needed that kind of strength. So I did some homework and this is what I came up with…try this for a natural, safe “bleach”- it works!!
- 1 ½ cup 3% hydrogen peroxide
- ½ cup lemon juice
- Pure water to fill gallon jug
- 10 drops tea tree or other essential oils
Pour hydrogen peroxide,lemon juice, and essential oils in gallon jug. Add water to fill. Cap and store.
-This is a color-safe bleach alternative.
-Add a cup of homemade bleach alternative to the wash for brighter, softer clothing.
-May be used in bath, tub, and toilet cleaning.
-No need to dilute.
-For tough-on stains soak clothing in a bucket with this solution. You may also spray on stains prior to washing.

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